ILARA Presentation Brochure
ILARA, is a centre for training in, expertise on and resources relating to languages that are rarely studied in a university setting. Established in 2020, it is one of the four Institutes of École Pratique des...
ILARA, is a centre for training in, expertise on and resources relating to languages that are rarely studied in a university setting. Established in 2020, it is one of the four Institutes of École Pratique des...
On 27 November 2024, ILARA was honoured to participate in the panel discussion titled “Speaking in Harmony: Embracing Multilingualism in the 21st Century as an Enabler of Multilateral Diplomacy and a Vector for Cultural...
by Guillaume Jacques Speakers of European languages are all familiar with the concept of grammatical tense, which is marked in conjugation to show whether an action takes place before (past), during (present), or after...
In “Banor at Play”, we are introduced to Mr. Claude Meintz and his children Frida, Armand, Lucien, and Henri. Together, they share how they are breathing new life into their father’s ancestral language in...
This year, the Institute for Linguistic Heritage and Diversity (ILARA) was honoured to receive one of two medals of the Singer-Polignac Foundation. On 19 September 2024, the Singer-Polignac Foundation Medal was awarded to ILARA...
Writing systems, as tools of language notation, serve as visual communication mediums and cultural identity markers, representing the ancient societies that conceived, transmitted, and adapted them. In 2024, ILARA is hosting a series of...