The course choice at EPHE-PSL is much wider, and many other specialists use texts in little-known ancient or modern languages in their seminars. Feel free to consult the complete course calendar of EPHE-PSL and the websites of its partner institutions.
Whatever your main area of interest or your level, you may get in touch with the specialist of the language or language family that you would like to discover.
At EPHE-PSL, the course choice includes introductory courses, seminars involving the reading and studying of new documents and requiring preliminary language skills, seminars dedicated to literary and documentary expression in a given language, or seminars dealing with the study of language families or groupings.
At ILARA, courses in languages or language families, offered at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, are semester-long, full-year or offered as intensive one-to-two-week courses. The languages are classified by geographical, linguistic and cultural areas.
The courses offered by ILARA are complementary to those offered by EPHE-PSL and its partner institutions.