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Fees and registration


  • 12- to 24-hour classes: €160 (reduced rate: €120)
  • 25- to 35-hour classes: €200 (reduced rate: €150)
  • 36- to 52-hour classes: €250 (reduced rate: €200)


  • students of PSL University-affiliated institutions;
  • students from institutions that have signed an agreement with EPHE-PSL regarding classes which include courses in Classical Latin, Ancient Greek and Modern Arabic organised by ILARA;
    • Doctoral students from other institutions can ask their doctoral school and/or their research team to cover their registration fees.
  • current EPHE-PSL staff (including current ILARA instructors);
    • PSL staff (excluding EPHE-PSL and ILARA) can ask the PSL internal school to cover their registration fees.
  • learners under the age of 18;
  • native speakers;
  • income-based eligibility for fee waivers based (considering individual circumstances in relation to the poverty threshold in France, defined each year by INSEE);
  • ILARA donors;
  • some classes, as well as the themed talks, are free.

Reduced rate:

  • applicable from a second class taken for a different language within the same year (the reduced rate applies to the less expensive option);
  • EPHE-PSL auditors.


Send the form to, along with all required supporting documents.

  • If you are eligible for a registration fee waiver, you will immediately receive confirmation of your registration.
  • If you do not qualify for a fee waiver, you will receive a summary of the total amount due and information on how to make the payment.